Monday Motivation: A New Year, A New Calendar

 There is something renewing and energizing about opening a brand new calendar and opening up our minds with the knowledge that we can start anew. I have lived long enough to know that each day we have the opportunity to recreate our lives and ourselves. We have the ability to say, That was yesterday and this is today. What is done is done we cannot undo, but we can change what we do today and tomorrow.

Just recently I was driving down the street and I looked in my rearview mirror. The city trains, the people and the cars in my mirror were those that I had passed or were behind me. I had a brief encounter with a powerful thought.  How many times have I turned to view where I had been and not where I am going? I would find myself returning to my past and lazing in it as I enjoyed the memories of the pleasant times. I would also find myself re-visiting my mistakes in the land of “should and should not have”, which was wasting precious “now” time.

Here are some thoughts for the New Year and new calendar…

  1. Each day is a fresh, blank page in our calendar of life.
  2. Upon those pages, I write my destiny and I create my happiness and satisfaction.
  3. I must take care not to enter the same old mistakes, or to engage in old and negative thought patterns.
  4. I will use each day that I am given, with the knowledge that I am not guaranteed but I am gifted a certain number of days.
  5. I will be cautious what I write, with my thoughts, upon my blank pages, knowing that my thoughts are powerful creators and they may bring me what I don’t want.
  6. I will use my old calendars only as a guide to what worked and what did not work, and not as a prediction of what to expect for this year.
  7. I will look at each blank page as a new and fresh day-an opportunity to start over, knowing that it is never too late, I am never too old, and I have all that I need to create a happy and fulfilling day, week, year, and life.

Affirmation For The Week: ” I begin my life anew, once again.”

Have a renewal week!

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