Taking Advantage Of Auto Insurance: Horror Stories

By now you should probably know about the many benefits of having auto insurance. By doing so you are protecting your health and financial well-being. What we don’t often hear about are the many horrible situations people have to experience for various reasons; sometimes their fault, and sometimes the fault of the insurance companies. However, we are required by law to carry car insurance at all time while driving.  All we can do is ensure that we don’t get ourselves into the same situation, and that we learn from other people’s mistakes. All it takes is one click here for quotes and more

So without further ado, I present to you auto insurance horror stories:

Kathy, 29, from Brooklyn, New York had been sideswiped on her way back from work one evening. Uufortunately, up until this day she is still not completely sure what happened. All she can remember is getting hit and the next thing she was up against a light post on the side of the road. It turns out, the guy that hit her didn’t have any auto insurance. She had wrenched her neck pretty bad and was in a lot of pain, so she went over to the hospital to get it checked out. She called her insurance company the next morning to report her claim and was hoping to get reimbursed for the medical bill. Apparently, since the other guy didn’t have insurance and her plan didn’t have under-insured motorist bodily injury coverage, she was out of luck and ended up having to pay an $800 medical bill out of pocket.

What We Can Learn From Kathy’s Story:
*Always make sure you have appropriate forms of coverage, in this case, under-insured motorist bodily injury coverage (UNDUM).

Don’t cut out particular forms of coverage just to save a few bucks. If we knew when accidents were coming we wouldn’t need insurance at all, unfortunately this is far from reality.

The next horror story:

Jeffery, 33 from Yonkers, New York  had just switched his auto insurance to a new company with better coverage, since he had just got a promotion and wanted to make sure he had all forms of coverage. Everything went smoothl and he was already feeling safer with his finances. 6 months passed and he got 2 bills in the mail; one from his new insurance company and one for his old company. It seems so obvious now but at the time he had no idea you actually had to cancel your previous policy. Long story short, he ended up paying an additional $500 to his old insurer in addition to the cost of his new policy.

What We Can Learn From Jeffery’s Story

* You always have to cancel your old policy, once you’ve switched companies. Otherwise you may be paying for coverage you won’t even be using.

*** Important Note ***

Don’t be left without proper information! If your looking to purchase a vehicle, already have coverage, or just want to view better rates. All it takes is one click here: http://www.automobileinsurance.me/go/click.php?tid=765724


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