
Wife Struggles To Make Decisions

Guest Post: Carlos Rodgers

I love my wife, but sometimes I wonder about her decision making skills.  She was always one of the smartest people in school, but when it comes to making simple life decisions, she struggles.  I try to help her, but I think she is starting to realize she needs to figure it out on her own.  Last week I asked her to research and pick an alarm system.  I even told her to go to for help.  She is still working on making the decision.  Honestly, it is not that difficult.  I was able to find one in five minutes and it has taken her over a week.  I know she is trying very hard and it is probably the need to succeed that is bringing her down.  She wants so bad not to make a mistake and to always choose the best, but sometimes there is no way of knowing.  No one grades your life decisions and sometimes there is no way of knowing which the best is.  She will hopefully learn, but right now I just have to continue to be patient with her.

A Soul Mate

A lot of people believe in the concept of  soul mate but we still pick people based on appearances and other artificial things.  At least at first. Is this human nature? or a wave in the frequency of human nature?  Every person has a frequency they resonate at and most people who have studied human nature all agree on this.  When two frequencies are resonating together just right is where some say soul mates come from.  When this happens it can create some amazing effects.  Appearances has nothing to do with the frequency of human nature.  Base your finding of a soul mate on appearances and you are sure to end up lonely.

The loneliest days can be some of the worst days anyone can come across.  Every one has felt loneliness but not everyone has felt true love in finding a soul mate.  I know I haven’t, well that’s what I assume.  Many of us confuse being lost in love with finding a soul mate. See, love works in so many ways. It brings happiness, yet it can bring sadness to so many as well. I’ve seen so many friends and families shed tears about being madly in love, that I’m scared to feel that way for anyone. The pain and heart-break they feel in their hearts could never be truly repaired, because the one person who they fell completely head over heels for broke their hearts.  I know it’s a feeling that makes you whole and it feels like nothing could ever come between two hearts that are meant to be together. 

Some times we might fall in love with the wrong soul mate, the wrong heart. Blinded by money, appearances, or so many other artificial things that don’t really matter, can change love.  Love isn’t about the amount of things you own or have, it’s about the heart and the soul.  Finding that one person who’s soul is compatible to yours.  I know everyone wants that perfect Cinderella moment, but in reality things like that might not ever even come close to happening. Love. A four letter word that means so much to so many.  But there’s one thing I want to tell every woman and girl out there.  Never lose hope. Your soul mate is out there somewhere doing the same thing you are, waiting for you.

Written By: T. Dash