
Monday Motivation: Let Go! It’s A New Year

What do you do when you make a mistake> Are you like many people who beat themselves up when they commit an error or make an unwise decision? Does your inner critic chastise you, pointing out wrongs that you may have committed? It’s a New Year, Let Go!

The key to good mental health and well-being is to be able to learn from our mistakes and then let go.  As humans, we will make mistakes for as long as we remain conscious and alive.  Even airplanes are off course a significant amount of time and must be corrected by the pilot.  The key to our well-being is to refrain from focusing on what we did or did not do but focus on what we should learn from the mistake and what can be done to correct it.  When you make a mistake, take responsibility for being human and seek corrective action.  Focus on what is to be learned from the situation.  If it is a mater of carelessness, decide to change future practices and be more attentive to what you are doing.  When the critical inner mind starts that old tape of “how dumb that was, what an idiot you are” or other such counter-productive self talk in your mind (or out loud, if you can do so) yell “STOP IT” to turn off that tape.  If you see yourself in that negative light, mimic your television viewing habits and change the channel to a more positive one.

If you have or could have harmed someone with your mistake, own up to it, make amends by apologizing, learn the lesson, commit to not repeating it, and then let go.  If you feel the need to continue to play that old tape, ask yourself what need is getting met by engaging in this negative self talk and then ask yourself why you have a need to “beat yourself up”.  Replace that need with the desire to be kind to yourself. Grasp an understanding that the emotional energy spent on being unkind to yourself could be better spent finding a solution to any problem that was created by our mistake.

According to National Geographic Studies, often monkeys are captured by the “yam in a jar technique.” People who wish to capture them do so with the knowledge that once the monkey sticks its hand in the jar to retrieve the yam, it will not let go.  The neck of the jar is so narrow that the monkey’s empty hand can enter it but its full hand cannot exit the jar.  The monkey is effectively trapped and must suffer the consequences when it stubbornly refuses to let go.

As humans, we have intellect to recognize that we continue to trap ourselves when we refuse to let go of negativity.  We have control over the choices we make.  Choose to let go!

Affirmation for the week:  “I will learn from my  mistakes and then let go”

Have a living, learning, and letting go week & Happy New Year!

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Monday Motivation Message

Success is not a secret.  Success is a direction, a process and a way of life.  You can be successful right now.  Just simply turn your focus, your thoughts, your awareness, and actions in a positive mental direction.  Success is not something you get.  Success is all about the way you choose to live.  Success is the journey and not the end of the road.  You must dream in order to reach your success.  Every dream must have plan.  Dream without limits and act on those dreams.  Live without excuses or apologies, they are bridges to nowhere.   Always dream with a persistent driving desire to make a difference. 

Stay in touch with your integrity.  What can help is to challenge all or nothing thinking.  Sometimes it can seem that if you can’t do things right or all the way, it’s a non-accomplishment.  Integrity is built from a pattern of small and consistent actions.  Little changes can indeed build into big changes.  Positivity really does work.  Stay focused.  Have A Great Week

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Copyright 2011 by Ty’s Monday Messages.  All rights reserved.

The Drivers Seat

“If you want more it takes courage. On your journey to achieving more, see your goal as your vehicle. The driver is the most courageous person in any vehicle. You will come across pedestrians, hitch hikers, and other motorist while on the road.  All are alike in one way, they can be viewed as motivators or manipulators.  You have the choice to be manipulated or motivated.  Stay in the driver seat.

Pedestrians: are not in your vehicle but will always be able to view the road to your success.  In this case, there would be no success without critics. You have to respect the fact that they will be there. Some pedestrians are on the road for leisure and others are on a journey of their own. All pedestrians from a glance can view you inside your vehicle.  Remember the fact you are driving.  Push the gas and drive past.

Hitch Hikers: are not in your vehicle but will want a ride. Some may come across as friendly, ambitious, and compassionate which is great. Most hitch hikers really don’t know where they’re going and need you for a boost. The interesting thing about hitch hikers is that once they make their way into your vehicle, they feel they know everything ‘which is typical’ but if they knew everything, they would have their own vehicle right? Read between the lines. Hitch hikers will try to take over your vehicle for their OWN purpose if you let them. Stay in the driver seat. You have the choice to stop or not to stop.

Other Motorist: are not in your vehicle but have a vehicle of their own. Other motorist are what makes the journey worth the challenge. Now, not only do you have to watch the road but you have to watch out for other vehicles as well. Defensive driving! There will be motorist with vehicles similar to yours which is great. You should always want to share and grow on your journey. Although, not every motorist wants to share the road to success. Don’t Fret. Even if it means taking the road less traveled, keep driving!

You will encounter stop signs, road blocks, and traffic lights on the road to achieving your goals. Circumstances in a nutshell. The fact remains the same. Don’t let anything stop you. Pedestrians, hitch hikers, and other motorist alike!  Have A Great Week”

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Copyright 2011 by Ty’s Monday Messages.  All rights reserved.

Monday Motivation Message

“The storms of nature just like the storms in our lives are unpredictable and inevitable. We sometimes assume that there will be elements of life over which we have no control. Never assume! If we are prepared for elements presenting themselves in our daily lives (some of which we may control), we can weather the storms.

Some of our personal storms are preventable because we create them through our actions and thoughts. For those that are preventable, it is important that we assess how and to what extent we create these events. Often we can minimize the damage or in many cases eliminate the storms altogether through our thoughts! I was once told “you think too much”. At first, I took this a bad compliment until I realized its not how much you think but what you think that can make all the difference.

Think positive! Enjoy the sunshine and think good weather conditions into existence. Always strive to create calmer conditions in your life. Do damage control! Remove yourself emotionally from areas where your exposed to rain spawned from storms created by others!! Nevertheless, always be prepared to weather the storms of your creation and take responsibility for creating them. Have a calm and sunny week.”~Ty

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Copyright 2011 by Ty’s Monday Messages. All rights reserved.


Do You Believe In You?

 It is normal for someone else to believe in you and your powers but do you believe in you? Your thoughts and your belief system are two of a kind.  When you change your thoughts, you change your belief system.  You must believe in all that you are, all that you can be, and all that you will be.  If the mind can conceive it, you can achieve it.  Do you believe in what you think?  What you think is what you get so use your thoughts wisely.  Your future is in your hands.

Belief is faith, belief is hope, belief is trust, and its all about you.  With this understanding, you have the power to win and influence others to believe in you.  Yes, you can say belief is life’s most powerful and secret weapon.  Use it to your advantage.  This is the magnet of the universe working at its best.  Although, believing in you is just the beginning stage of being great. It takes practice, it takes patience, and it take genuine respect for others to make the circle complete.  When you believe in you, others are drawn to you. Naturally, you  become genuinely interested in other people’s ‘well-being’.  When you look in the mirror what do you see? Smile, you are The One. 

When you Believe in you, you have the strength and the ability to make others feel important.  Be a good listener, encourage others and have no fear.  Fear is the greatest barrier to success. Fear only fear itself.  Sometimes it may become obvious that goals can not be reached. This is not the time for you to change your goals but change your action plan.  You are at the house of success. If you knock and can not get in the front door, go through the back, and if the back door is locked, try a window.  No matter how long it takes, make it your business to get in by any means necessary. It is your destiny.  Be victorious, Be triumphant, Believe in you. 

 “To move ahead you need to believe in yourself…have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs.” -Adlin Sinclair

Written By: T. Dash

Positive Thinking Equals Power

Positive thinking can change or even improve your life and is a discipline like no other.  When you practice positive thinking, you obtain a positive sense of belonging, well-being, and optimism.  The purpose of positive thinking is to create a positive perception and transfer into a better or new reality. It is a series of actions in choosing positive emotions and applying them to beliefs and will help drive happiness and success. 

How many times have you told yourself, “I can’t do it” or “I am not good enough”? At that very moment, you have taken yourself out of reality and out of the race. If you think it, you can and will achieve it.  That is the greatest power of all but you have to think positive. Positive thinking starts with a positive mental attitude.  A positive mental attitude is the belief that one can achieve through an optimistic view.  Positive thinking is an affirmation. An affirmation is the responsiblity to sense and declare one’s state of mind and expectation.  It acknowledges to the mind and body a present-day reality. An example of an affirmation is the following: “I am great and I can handle anything that comes into my life.”  “I deserve to be respected.”  “I am empowered.”  Realize the power of positive thinking, and all you ever desire can and will be yours.

Written By: T.Dash
